Goody for Business customers can use the Automation API to automate their gifting and sending. With the Automation API, you can programmatically create one-to-one or one-to-many gifts, retrieve information about orders, and get real-time webhook notifications on order events.

Some things you can build with the Automation API:

  • Trigger sending gifts on events in your CRM, HRIS, or another application. Send a customer gift for client anniversaries, deals closed, and more.
  • Send Goody order information to other applications. Trigger Slack messages on gift accepts, add tasks in your CRM when gifts are delivered, save order totals to a spreadsheet, and more.

Getting started

In this guide, we’ll walk through how to:

  1. Set up an account on our sandbox environment
  2. Obtain an API key
  3. Send a gift
  4. Set up webhooks for order events.

Let’s start with setting up an account and authentication.